Diabetes has reached epidemic proportions in the country. It has plagued 50 million people and kills about 4 million people every year. Diabetology department in our hospital addresses various aspects and manifestations of Diabetes.
This Department coordinates with all the other specialties to provide a comprehensive treatment to Diabetics.
For Young Diabetic Patients and Gestational Diabetes (Pregnant Woman with Diabetes) Consultation available on all Tuesdays-from 9 AM -12 Noon
One of the major manifestations of Diabetes is the Diabetic Foot.“For every 21 seconds someone is diagnosed with Diabetes and for every 30 seconds a leg is lost to Diabetes” says a statistics. As a preventive measure, Diabetic Foot Care Unit is launched to address this problem.
To create awareness and to facilitate diabetic patients, we have created a unit with all the related specialties under one umbrella. This is a comprehensive and preventive care for diabetic foot.
Consultant Endocrinologist
Consultant Endocrinologist
Consultant Diabetologist