Dindigul Hospital
For Emergency: Madurai: 0452 2501033, Dindigul: 0451 2444444



Traumatic problems in the form of domestic falls, two wheeler and pedestrian accidents happening within the city limits and high velocity road traffic accidents on the highways are treated very efficiently.
In case of severe open injuries with exposure of bone, Fix and Flap technique is followed wherein the soft tissue coverage is given on the same day.

Primary & Revision Joint replacement surgeries:

Primary & Revision Joint replacement surgeries for degenerative arthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Post Traumatic arthritis of Hip & Knee.

Pediatric problems:

Club-foot are managed from the day of birth with Ponseti technique without any form of surgery.Neglected club-foot is corrected by using either Illizarov or JESS technique.Other deformities due to polio myelitis and cerebral palsy are managed with soft tissue transfer surgeries and corrective osteotomies.

Developmental dysplasia of the hip is corrected by cast application or by the means of open surgery.

Spine surgeries:

The condition that we commonly manage are microlumbar discectomy, decompression of the spinal canal and neural foramen in case of lumbar canal stenosis, decompression and stabilization of the spine using pedicle screw instrumentation, global fusion of the spine for tuberculosis and reduction and instrumentation of the spine in case of spondylolisthesis, anterior cervical plating in case of fracture and dislocation of cervical spine.

Arthroscopic surgeries:

Performed in the knee joint for the repair of the meniscus, removal of loose bodies, synovectomy, and reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament. In shoulder joint arthoscopy is useful in treating conditions like sub acromial decompression for impingement syndrome, rotator cuff repair and bankart repair.

Pelvic Surgeries:

Complex fracture of the pelvis including pubis diastasis, sacro-iliac disruption and anterior and posterior wall fractures of the acetabulam are treated very effectively using modern plating techniques.

Limb reconstruction surgery:

Using Iilizarov (Russia) and Orthofix (Italy) is performed for deformity correction in the bone and for bone transport to bridge a gap resulting due to trauma or infection.

Hand surgeries:

Traumatic conditions including fracture of the small bones, rupture of the tendons and repair of the cut ends of the nerves and the blood vessels are performed with zero hour delay.

Our Doctors (Madurai)

  • Dr.M.Chidambaram MS.,D. Ortho., FCGP.,

    Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon

  • Dr.M.K.Mothilal MS Ortho.

    Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon

  • Dr.M.Baskar MS Ortho., Fellowship in Joint Replacement

    Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon

  • Dr.Gowthaman k. MS(Ortho), DNB(Ortho), Fellowship in Spine Surgery (Lilavati & Breach candy Hospitals,Mumbai)

    Consultant Spine Surgeon


Our Doctors (Dindigul)

  • Dr.M.Saddam Hussain MS(Ortho)

    Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon


Visiting Doctors

  • Dr. I. Lalith Kumar MBBS., MS.,(Ortho)

    Orthopaedic Surgeon
